Saturday, February 2, 2008

February 2nd

So, just a moment ago, as I was writing that thoroughly uninteresting title above (since frankly I'm too lazy to think of something snazzy, or creative, or even both at this late hour) I realized that I didn't know how to spell the simple, common word of "February". I pondered over this for a minute, but ended up actually having to look to the pretty little calander on the wall by the fridge to figure out how to spell it correctly... I think I better call it a day before I find myself becoming more illiterate from lack of sleep. ;)

But before I do, I'm just thinking of the word February for another second. February. No one pronounces it like that. As far as I can recall, everyone I know speaks it like "FebUary" and forgets about the lonely little letter 'r' that falls in the middle of that word. Webster should really change the spelling of it. It would make it simpler to type, easier to remember the spelling, and people insist upon leaving that sound out when speaking it anyways. Just a thought.

So I found this in one of my notebooks earlier... I have no idea when it was from, but I'm guessing probably a year or so ago, since my poetry writing style has changed since I wrote this one. But I guess I'll post it anyways, since it relates to the daily picture to a degree (and no, that picture was not from today, and I highly doubt you'll find any dandelions outside any longer. That was from before I got my new camera, but I liked the depth of field and didn't have the time to edit a recent, better photo today, so this will have to do I suppose =) ).

To Be

Oh to be,
To be like a sheath of grass
Laughing and dancing with the flow of the breeze
So blissful, so free, so oblivious
Of the storms of life awaiting it
Awaiting to strike on the clear azul horizon.
To be, so free, so free to simply be.
Yet this life does not fare them well for long
For the frost is bound to come.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

haha I always just shorten it to Feb. you'd think I'd remember how to spell it since it's my birthday month lol.