Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 27.... I couldn't think of a more interesting title

Oh man, I seriously have broken my somewhat late New Year's resolution not even a full month in!... I haven't been posting on here everyday, although I'm quite certain I've taken the time to log on to myspace daily. Oh well, I'm going to try to take the time more often, once I'm caught up with studying for my oceanography class that is... I've been procrastinating rather much so on my out-of-class readings, which is never a good thing when you feel that it is the hardest class you've ever taken and ever wish to take again. So, this is going to (again) be a much briefer entry than I had wanted to post, but I suppose schoolwork should remain higher than this on my priority list. So, back to studying paleomagnetism and plate techtonics...


It stands as sentry to the unknown
Guards what lies on the other side
The mysteries are silent as it remains like stone
Chooses who shall pass as it is stationed alone
Protects from dangers and curiousity it guides.

1 comment:

The Art We Breathe said...

Oceanography? That sounds tough. Unfortunately not every "-graphy" can be as much fun as photography...