Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January 29th

I should have been born with green eyes.
That's really all I have to say.
Green is such a pretty color. It reminds me of of spring, of freshly cut grass, of life. I really don't know how my eyes became brown. They have somewhat of a greenish color sometime, but I'd like them to be greener, just more full of energy. I suppose I'm just going to be satisfied with seeing them like that in pictures...
for the time being.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

January 27.... I couldn't think of a more interesting title

Oh man, I seriously have broken my somewhat late New Year's resolution not even a full month in!... I haven't been posting on here everyday, although I'm quite certain I've taken the time to log on to myspace daily. Oh well, I'm going to try to take the time more often, once I'm caught up with studying for my oceanography class that is... I've been procrastinating rather much so on my out-of-class readings, which is never a good thing when you feel that it is the hardest class you've ever taken and ever wish to take again. So, this is going to (again) be a much briefer entry than I had wanted to post, but I suppose schoolwork should remain higher than this on my priority list. So, back to studying paleomagnetism and plate techtonics...


It stands as sentry to the unknown
Guards what lies on the other side
The mysteries are silent as it remains like stone
Chooses who shall pass as it is stationed alone
Protects from dangers and curiousity it guides.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Time for Sleep

I would love to write a lovely long post, but I find that 5 hrs of sleep in a 24hr period generally does not prove to be enough to stay awake on... so therefore I must be off to bed. G'night all. =)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Books + Coffee= <3

I was pleasantly surprised today. It rained lightly, but humidity decided to treat me kindly and decided to excuse my hair from becoming its usual ball of frizzy waves. It was seriously quite a pleasant surprise, fer sure.

Perhaps I'm a nerd, but I really do love Borders Bookstore so extremely much. I could sit in there for hours really... maybe even a whole day if I had the time to spend. I went there after school today to just curl up in one of their big comfy leather chairs while reading a large pile of books I selected and drinking a fabulously delicious vanilla frappachino. Although the environment cannot match the energy of Starbucks atmosphere, Borders remains my secondmost choice when it comes to places which I find calmly rejuvenating. I could really see myself enjoying living there, it's all so peaceful... I suppose if that were the case I'd be somewhat like the phantom of the opera, except I'd kidnap books rather than opera performers.

Oh man, I've already broken my resolution of posting everyday... I just glanced at my clock and it's after midnight. Oh well, I suppose I'll just have to be satisfied with posting twice today to make up for it. Here's a quick little poem, by the way, which I wrote as I was waiting to go to the RAGE event tonight....


They fall from their blanket of white and grey,
Into the open arms of those who eagerly await them.
The strong stand firm and hold them with care
while the weak tremble and bend beneath their weight.
Some are shrugged off to the soil below
by those who refuse to accept their fair aid,
While others become the most greedy of gatherers
letting no droplet escape their desperate grasp.
After their visit, they bade farewell and return
back to their homeland, of white and grey.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Once again, dreary, but beautiful.

I've heard the expression "Rain makes you beautiful" many a times now, but I have yet to see any bit of evidence supporting this phrase... when it comes to my hair that is. I supose if you happen to be a plant, you would find that phrase to be quite accurate indeed, since you would need those precious raindrops to nurish your continuously growing, leafy self... but I have yet to see such positive results in my own being, especially in my hair. Since these past few days have been rather rainy, I found myself quite a few times in the predicament of walking in the rain (and in the humid outdoor air). From these experiences, I can confidently tell you from first-hand experience that that dear phrase which you know so well is complete utter nonsense. No amount of straightening is able to protect my hair from the rain's wrath. I straighten it optimistically, hoping that the humidity will act kindly today and spare my hair from it's fury, but time and time again it attacks without warning and styles my hair back into my naturally wavy, limp blob of frizz. I really don't understand why I so stubbornly continue to ignore the inevitable and straighten my hair on such rainy days as these, but I never have yet disappointed myself and given in to the obvious defeat awaiting me as soon as I step out of the house. I think it will most likely remain one of those unsolvable mysteries which I will never fully understand about myself.

Today I felt inspired, so I wrote a couple poems between classes...

To Warm a Soul

It peeked out behind the clouds
Let its joy rain down
Laughed melodies to warm the coldest of souls
Whispered of peace, of bliss, of happy times awaited
Then ducked back behind its cloak of grey.


They clamor along in all directions, all paces
Some move with ease, others suffer quiet hesitation
Off to different lives different dreams
Different destinies patiently await them
But of each of their fates, I know not.


Rainy days are among the most beautiful moments that can be ever experienced by any individual, or so I feel at least. This is my first blog entry, and very much much shorter than I had wished it to be... but I fear that I must cut it short due to the fact that I am well past my given bedtime since I have classes tomorrow, so I suppose I must say goodnight.
