Monday, August 4, 2008

August 3rd, 2008

The summer is flying by too fast...
how can it be August already?
One more summer gone
with me having accomplished only about 1/4 of all that I wanted to do
and all that I had planned.
This time at least only about 1/5 of the problem was procrastination
the rest was lack of time
lack of funds do to hugely unplanned circumstances
and a lack of ambition which laziness ended up creating.
But at least this summer the main culprit was lack of time
to accomplish the vast number of ideas I had created,
which is a better reason than the others listed,
so I don't look back with too much regret as far as what I didn't get to do at least.
But again, it's still another summer gone.
Gone by way too fast
and it's not even over yet, but I still feel its demise creeping up too quickly.
Another school year ended
another year gone by too quickly
another year which I haven't done goals
which I have wanted to start and finish for years.
Another summer gone
but it definitely was not all in vain.
Although it went by too fast, there are certain things I wouldn't want to go back for
To change mistakes made, yes, and no at the same time.
Going back and changing them would have made my summer much easier
But at the same time I don't want to.
There were things I learned that I needed to learn
Ways of thinking that needed to be change
Carelessness that I needed to become aware of and alter
Lessons were learned
Mistakes always cause damage,
but our goal should be to make them be fruitful in a good way as well
to use them in the future
to prevent us from doing the same actions again
Now knowing fully what they will reap on us
physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
No decision is without consequences
whether for good or bad
It is these decisions that define us for who we are
and our response to the consequences show what we're really made of.
And since the option of going back is not obtainable
we must press on and use our pasts to make our future brighter
by learning from our mistakes
and not letting them dictate who we will become.