Sunday, March 16, 2008

March 16th

Only one more photo today. I unfortunately had to focus on my studies today, reading Catch-22 for my English class to be specific. I truly should have finished it over break (or so were my plans anyways), but it remains only half way through. I only read about a quarter more of it. This book tends to be a hard book to speed read unfortunately...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

March 15th

I can't believe spring break is almost over and this is the first picture I've posted all break, first. I'm seriously so disappointed with myself for not taking the chance I had to work on a new portfolio. I took many series of pictures, but just never got around to fully edit any of them, except the one solo photo that is in this post. I swear, Facebook really sucks out your life, and I fully blame it for taking away my break. Although I suppose I shouldn't be too hard on myself, I just shouldn't have created one for myself over break, that's all. Ah well, too late to change it now. I'll just have to work on the photos once school starts up again... and be super productive with editing them tomorrow between church services. We'll see how much I get done. =)
And for now, I must say goodnight, since I've basically been sleep deprived this entire break from allowing myself to stay up til about 2-3 AM every night. Monday is definitely going to be a rude awakening... both literally and figuratively...